Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Alida is….
*Learning to be a good farm girl in the Rift Valley.
*Building arm muscles stirring ugali (corn flour & water), shucking corn, and hauling water from a well for a bath.
*Getting her butt kicked racing school kids down the road, and their shoes are completely falling apart.
*Is hoping she gets nice legs and bum walking 5-10 km a day.
*Is absolutely itching to buy a bike so she can stop walking 5-10km a day.
*Really, really wanting to buy a 100cc Yamaha motorbike so she can ride on the dirt roads during rainy season and do the 40km round trek to town without dying on a matatu.
*Is wondering why there are 4 Bata shoe stores in the span of 2 blocks in downtown Eldoret.
*Shaking her head as a billionaire is flying overhead in his helicopter while 8 year old homeless kids are sniffing glue on the street.
*Having her skin touched, hands held, and hair tousled by curious children on the road.
*Being stared at most of the day by people who have not seen white people before.
*Going through a coffee withdrawal and looks forward to getting her bodum and fresh coffee from her bag in Nairobi.
*going to have broken hand rehabilitation by milking a cow very soon.
*has eaten 2 omelets in one week, after eating less than 5 eggs in 30 years.
*is drinking fresh cows milk every day.
*eating beans and potatoes for breakfast everyday
*the only person in the whole town who wears sunglasses.
*happy to be living 20 minutes down the road from and old college friend and his wife! (small world).
*learning a lot about very interesting beliefs about procreation….
*trying to avoid getting set up with a kenyan man and may start wearing her “stay single” tshirt.
*a cell phone owner even though she doesn’t hear it ring most of the time.
*a bit surprised that she has seen personal ads looking for a “God fearing, very fertile, intelligent, second wife” (again, that stay single tshirt)


Anonymous said...

Wow--no coffee and lots of eggs??? Sounds like you are doing of good job of acclimating yourself, Alida. Keep up the good work and keep the news coming!! Patti

Anonymous said...

Alida,you're a chip of the old block.I was in the grocery store waiting in line and I heard a cellphone ring and ring and ring and thought answer your phone people and realized it was mine.Ryan said "you don't get too many calls do you."
What's your number?

rubyslipperlady said...

I miss you! This is great! I thank God often that he only gives us what we can handle. We're in the right spots, I do believe. Have I mentioned that you rock!

Anonymous said...

We really enjoy your blog and are constantly following it. You should write a novel. Thanks for the card Gilbert & Wendy

Elise said...

I'm glad the t-shirt is coming in handy! And I'll be sure to send you some coffee soon! ;)