Saturday, September 30, 2006

Images of Indonesia

Hi there,
If you click on the words "images of indonesia" it will take you to a photo gallery that Laura put together of photos and explanations. I took some of the photos but she put all the work into it, so I figure why recreate the wheel?
It will give you an idea of what we did, and what the landscape looks like.

I am off to Nigeria on October 28 for a month of volunteering in a clinic and hospital. I look forward to reconnecting with friends and colleagues! and enjoying warm weather!!

shalom alida

(i thought this would be a link on the sidebar, but i don't really know what i am doing. if anyone else has a blog and knows how to do this, let me know)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Alida for pointing us to these pictures. You and your friends take incredibly good pictures. I was quite stunned by the before and after shots but also by just the after's. This really drove home the devastation. I hope this finds you well.
I am glad your mom and dad can keep such a good eye on you. (giggles). Technology does provide some advantages!
I will mention you in our prayers tomorrow night in the elders meeting. Thanks for sharing this with us.